by Howard Switzer GPTN
Politics is about leverage. If you have the money, media and institutional power behind you, then you have a lot of leverage.
Greens don't have a lot of leverage but if we don't use the leverage we have we won't move much. If Greens can only deny one war-monger the office, then so be it.
If Republicrats have a problem with that all they have to do is implement the Green Party platform.
"..power concedes nothing without a demand," We demand power!

Reeling in the Empire While Creating Jobs
by Howard Switzer GPTN
Shifting from a wasteful war economy to a prosperous peace economy
The Black & Green Wednesday webinars are a series of presentations and discussions sponsored by the Black Socialist Network and the Green Party of Missouri. They are focusing on the multiple facets of "degrowth" out of concern for the destructive and extractive growth of the war economy we call capitalism. That concern is for life on our planet, and the health and wellbeing of our children's, children's children, the future of humanity. It is about shifting our priorities toward peace and prosperity as wars today are escalating towards nuclear annihilation. That concern could not be greater for us all.
On Wednesday November 13th at 8:30 Eastern, the presentations and discussion will be on Degrowing the Military While Preserving Jobs. As their promotion states:
Drastically reducing the military budget may be the most important step that humanity can take toward peace. Yet, vast numbers of people depend on military production for jobs that provide for their families. This webinar will link the needs for economic degrowth and for stopping unending wars. How does war hurt soldiers who participate in it? How does it harm people of color, Native Americans and the world's colonized communities? How could money wasted on war be redirected to social necessities? How can we ensure jobs for those employed in military production via a shortened work week, retraining and job sharing?
There will be short presentations by the list of speakers below who've all done some excellent work.
Christian Sorensen, author of Understanding the War Industry
Dr. Ho-Chih Lin, Tipping Point North South, London
Katerina Canyon, Peace Economy Project, Missouri
Sheridan Gosta Murphy, American Indian Movement, Florida
Don Fitz, Green Party of St. Louis
Rachel Braaten, Green Party of Minnesota (moderator)
These presentations will be followed by comments and a discussion of the topic. The webinar is NO COST, but you need to REGISTER to attend here: https://bit.ly/3YowKGD. It is an important topic, and I hope this event is well attended.
War and Money
In President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address in1961 he said, "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence" … by the "conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry". Presidents often drop a truth bomb once they've left a position in which they might have been able to do something about it. Woodrow Wilson is another good example of that who wrote:
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
He was referring to the passage of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act which gave the big bankers of the day a private central bank under their control but with an intentionally quasi government-sounding name, the Federal Reserve Bank, commonly referred to as the Fed. The big banks of the time already dominated the finance industry, but this gave them the exclusive privilege of creating and allocating all the nation's money. It is the system we have today. The government continues to print and mint the currency but issues none of it. Instead, it is sold to the banks through the Fed for their customers' cash needs.
The point is yes, more wealth, power and control trying to create the world they want. The monetary system that global finance controls, concentrates wealth and power into their hands systematically.
Just one example: with all the money being issued as interest-bearing debt by the banks, 50% of the price of everything is capital costs, on average, interest going to the banks.
The 1912 Pujo Committee Investigation proved that the banks controlled every industry in the nation with JP Morgan Co. at the center. The next year they got their private central bank, 2 years later they got their mandatory schooling system based on the Prussian model for inducing conformity and compliance.
In 1933 the Pecora Commission investigation revealed evidence that the banks caused the 1929 crash intentionally, simply by denying loans, which is how our money is created. Crashing the economy caused millions to default on their loans because there wasn't any money and the collateral of 4000 community banks and millions of homes, farms and businesses were picked up for pennies on the dollar by the big banks. It was the largest transfer of wealth from the many to the few in history. It was also a further centralization of power. Does anyone imagine they have less power today?
Hundreds of economists around the world agreed in 1933 that banks should not be allowed the power to create money, that instead it should be a public function, issuing money for the common needs as a permanently circulating asset, the distributive mechanism for society. Creating money is the governing factor and allowing the private debt-based system to continue will be catastrophic.
As former World Health Organization director Margaret Chan explained, "most of her organization's funding comes from private donors and that they decide what that funding is to be spent on." In other words, only money talks, those who fund the WHO tell it what to do. This is true not only of the WHO but of nearly every public and private institution in the world including governments, as the 2014 Princeton study on political influence by Gilens and Page proved.
But what about the jobs?
There is so much we can do with public control of public policy, but it requires public control of the money. Then massive investments can be made in healthcare, education and a 21st century infrastructure for food, water, transportation and energy. Instead of public policy investing in war and maximizing profits for the few it would be for society's needs, and the jobs will be plentiful.
It should be clear now that it is not the Military Industrial Complex, the Fossil Fuel industry or Big Pharma that controls our government, they are but profit centers for the Global Finance Complex, owned by Black/Rock/Vanguard, that controls all three and more. As Henry Kissinger said, " … if you control the money, you can control everything."

by Howard Switzer GPTN
A friend of mine recently asked, having read an article I sent her, what is "extreme capitalism?" a term used in the article. I said my inclination is to take the words at face value, that is, how they are typically defined. Of course, the words that could prefix capitalism could go on and on. Here are 10 I easily found.
- oligarchic capitalism
- state-guided capitalism
- entrepreneurial capitalism
- laissez-faire capitalism
- welfare capitalism
- rentier capitalism
- financial capitalism
- extreme capitalism
- crony capitalism
- turbo capitalism
What capitalism is has been somewhat obscured, I think, by all these prefixes. What they all have in common is capitalism, of course, conventionally defined as any economic system that is based around the private ownership of capital. I think it is a good definition as far as it goes.
However, then we get the arguments about; what is capital? Here we run into a definition that pretty much makes anything of value capital, such as land, buildings, machinery, and natural resources. There may be as many different capitals as there are capitalisms. None of which gives us a clear idea of what capital or capitalism, in a relevant context, really is. So, I ask, who does that confusion serve?
Okay then, how does one become the private owner of capital?
One of two ways; one might call them the old way and the new way.
The old way was to take it all by brute force, looting the world to enrich and empower the rulers.
The new way is with a debt-based monetary system of looting the world to enrich and empower the rulers.
Of course, the new way does not preclude using the old way. So, it becomes a choice for nations, accept the new way or be subjected to the old way. Libya was not given the choice.
Okay then, when one wants to start a business and says they need "capital" to do so, what are they referring to? Likewise, with "operating capital." Now they may indeed need land, buildings and machinery but that is not what they are talking about. No, they are talking about money with which to purchase land, buildings and machinery or whatever. So, money is capital in a relevant context.
Capitalism, however, began as a French word, "capitalisme," used to refer the system of war finance, or the practice of borrowing large amounts of money to fund the costs of war." War debt was in fact how the capitalists got nations to hand over their monetary authority to the wealthy private interests who controlled large accumulations of money. So, capitalism dominates the ownership of the raw materials, the means of production, exploits earth's resources and labor, concentrates wealth, creates poverty, drives destructive growth, predatory competition and all wars. That is what capitalism does … but what IS capitalism?
What does the word literally mean?
Capitalism = (capital = money) + (ism = system) = money system. The central feature and source of the awesome power of the capitalists is the debt-based private global monetary system they own and operate through the global banking system. Capitalism is often wrongly conflated with "free enterprise" and "free markets" but capitalism ensures that these are NOT free. This is because Capitalism is a debt parasite on the back of free enterprise making every household, business and government in this world in debt and dependent on the banking system. Abuse of the monetary system for personal gain is the definition of usury.
I recently had someone push back on the idea that capitalism is usury. Many people have a negative reaction to the word. Jewish people are especially sensitive to the term because long ago when the churches were still banning usury, because it was the sin of sins, thus ill-regarded banking was the only business Jews were allowed to enter the market with. Of course, as the Christian's debts accumulated a pogrom was often precipitated, burning the ledgers taking their stuff and chasing the Jewish people out of town. Those who resisted were often killed. It was kind of a brutish jubilee for the Christians.
So, to put things in a more relevant context there are things we can do about this very big problem of an economic system that exploits and enslaves 80% of humanity via a privately controlled debt-based monetary system. The proposal is simple, change the system to what people believe it is, which it is not. That is, the government creates and issues all the money. Like the greenbacks, money would be a permanently circulating asset. Unlike the greenbacks we would want to ban the banks from creating credit (debt) and using it for the money supply. There are numerous benefits to such a system change that make it hard to believe. But then how many know that, on average, 50% of the prices they pay for all goods and services are "capital costs," that is, interest going to banks?
A public money system eliminates capital costs so prices would come down. Also, the private banking system enforces an artificial scarcity by only investing 20% of its loans in the real economy where we all live and work producing value, while 80% of loans go to 'personal" loans for speculation, making money off manipulating money, producing nothing of value. While public banks would ostensibly invest 100% of their loans into the real economy, the reality around the world is that, due to the money dominated political system, they only invest 30-50% of their loans in the real economy. The only real fix is to change the monetary system from this unjust private for-profit system to a democratic public system for the general welfare, public care. Such a change, BTW, will have profoundly positive psychological consequences, reversing the negative consequences of usury.
It is clear to me that to understand what is happening in this world today you must know what has happened in the relevant history. Here is why I mention 19th century greenbacks: Henry Carey was Chief Economic Advisor to Abraham Lincoln and was the major proponent in the Lincoln Administration of issuing debt-free US money, Greenbacks. In referencing the US economy under the Greenback system, he said,
" … for the first time, too, in the history of the world, there has been presented a community in which nearly all business was done for cash, and in which debt has scarcely an existence … there has been a large and general diminution of the rate of interest … traders have therefore become more independent of the capitalist, while the country at large has become more independent of the 'wealthy capitalists' of Europe."
There was a study done on what the average retention rates were in 7 modes of learning: lecture 5%, reading 10%, audio-visual 20%, demonstration 30%, discussion group 50%, practice by doing 75% and teaching others 90%. What do you think, is it a change worth telling others about?

Naming the Demon
by Howard Switzer GPTN
Taking its power away
In a religious exorcism, knowing the demon’s name gives you more power over it. Today we need a political exorcism, we’ve needed one for a long time and the demon has gotten much too comfortable in its power. It is time to call the demon out by name, which collectively is called capitalism, a privately owned extractive war-debt based monetary system.
This worth repeating list of 20 is obviously a partial list, it comes from an article titled 20 Out of The 100 Puppet Masters, (The monsters that write Kamala’s teleprompter script) by Medium writer Fred FARJANI. Not to be confused with Fred Farjami who did The Fred Show, a crazy/funny YouTube show, from a couple years ago. Here is his partial list of our demons:
- 1. The Koch Brothers (Charles and the late David Koch)
American billionaires who have exerted considerable influence on U.S. politics, primarily through funding conservative and libertarian causes. The Koch network supports think tanks and political campaigns that align with free-market and small-government principles.
- 2. George Soros
A Hungarian-American billionaire philanthropist who funds numerous progressive and democratic movements worldwide through his Open Society Foundations. Often portrayed as a “puppet master” by right-wing media, Soros supports causes related to democracy, human rights, and social justice.
- 3. The Murdoch Family (Rupert Murdoch and his sons)
Media moguls who own major news organizations like Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Post. Their media empire plays a significant role in shaping conservative narratives in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia.
- 4. The Clinton Family (Bill, Hillary, Chelsea)
As a former U.S. President and Secretary of State, the Clintons have been key figures in Democratic politics for decades. Their influence extends beyond office through the Clinton Foundation, political allies, and media connections.
- 5. The Gates Family (Bill and Melinda Gates)
The Gates family, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, influences global health, education, and policy, especially in developing nations. Their reach extends into scientific research and the global response to pandemics, drawing both praise and conspiracy theories.
- 6. The Rothschild Family
Long considered one of the wealthiest families in the world, the Rothschilds have been subjects of countless conspiracy theories, mainly revolving around their banking and financial empire. They are often said to have influence over central banks and global economies.
- 7. The Bilderberg Group
A secretive annual meeting of elites from various sectors, including finance, politics, and academia. Founded in 1954, the group is often associated with shaping world policies and is the subject of many conspiracy theories related to global governance.
- 8. The World Economic Forum (WEF) & Klaus Schwab
An international organization that brings together business leaders, politicians, and academics to discuss global issues like climate change, inequality, and technological disruption. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF, is often linked to narratives about the “Great Reset,” a controversial vision of post-COVID capitalism.
- 9. Big Tech CEOs (Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, Jeff Bezos)
Leaders of major tech corporations (Facebook/Meta, Google, Amazon) control vast portions of the internet and public communication platforms. Their companies are accused of influencing elections, censoring information, and controlling online discourse.
- 10. The Federal Reserve and Central Bankers (Jerome Powell, Christine Lagarde)
Central bankers play a crucial role in the global economy by setting interest rates and monetary policy. The Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, in particular, have immense power over economic narratives through their control of currency and credit.
- 11. The Trilateral Commission
A non-governmental, non-partisan group that fosters close cooperation among North America, Europe, and Asia. Often seen as an organization of the global elite shaping economic and political policies.
- 12. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
A U.S.-based think tank and membership organization that studies global politics and foreign policy. Its members often have substantial influence in government, media, and academia.
- 13. The United Nations (UN)
Though more bureaucratic than conspiratorial, the UN has global influence on international laws, peacekeeping missions, and policies related to climate change, human rights, and global governance.
- 14. Saudi Royal Family (House of Saud)
With their immense oil wealth and strategic geopolitical position, Saudi Arabia’s royal family wields power over global energy markets, U.S. foreign policy, and regional stability in the Middle East.
- 15. The Vatican and Pope Francis
The Roman Catholic Church, led by Pope Francis, remains influential in religious, moral, and political matters. The Vatican has historically played a role in diplomacy and global policy discussions, particularly on social justice and peace.
- 16. Goldman Sachs
One of the most powerful investment banks in the world, often viewed as having an out sized influence on both Wall Street and Washington. Former Goldman executives frequently move into key government positions.
- 17. The Rockefeller Family
Once among the wealthiest families in the U.S., the Rockefellers still exert influence through various philanthropic and business ventures, particularly in energy and environmental policy.
- 18. The Media Moguls (Jeff Zucker, Shari Redstone)
Influential figures in media who shape the narrative in mainstream news. Jeff Zucker (former head of CNN) and Shari Redstone (ViacomCBS) control networks that have significant sway over public opinion.
- 19. Pharmaceutical Giants (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical companies gained an unprecedented influence over global health policy. Their leaders became critical voices in public health decisions, with their products affecting billions of lives.
- 20. Kamala Harris’ Campaign Advisers
Behind every politician is a team of strategists and advisers who help shape public perception. For Kamala Harris, key figures include public relations experts, speechwriters, and policy analysts who craft her public persona and narrative.
The rest of the story
There are many more, of course, the top 20 banks who dominate global finance for instance or BlackRock/Vanguard who owns them are at the top. It is interesting that they did not include Elon Musk or the British Royal Family. Still, none of these individuals or groups would have any power at all if they didn't have a lot of accumulated money or were able to create it. And yet, we've been conditioned to not question the money. Our schools did not teach us how, what for and by whom our money is created or how the monetary system works.
“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.” John Kenneth Galbraith
Money is a medium of exchange but when accumulated it is also power and yet we ignore that aspect despite being ruled by it. A government of, by and for the people? We need to make that myth a reality. Any government that does not create and issue the nation’s money is controlled by those who do, it is the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance.
Learn more at greensformonetaryreform.org - monetaryalliance.org – monetary.org