2024 |
November |
1. |
Leverage |
Howard Switzen, GPTN |
2. |
Reeling in the Empire While Creating Jobs |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
3. |
Capitalisms |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
4. |
Naming the Demon |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
September |
1. |
How do banks steal the fruit of the people’s labor? |
Mary Sanderson, GPWI |
2. |
Monetary Reform is a Foundation Issue |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
3. |
Our Unsustainable Debt-based Monetary System |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
August |
1. |
The Culture of Control |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
Wide Awake Revival (NEEDED) |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
3. |
Sovereign Money An AI generated response to the questions |
4. |
Society’s Distributive Mechanism |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
July |
1. |
Less is More |
Mary Sanderson, GPWI |
2. |
The Federal Researve System |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
3. |
Economic Growth |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
Special Report |
1. |
REPORT: First ever Mayday for Money |
June |
1. |
Has the Federal Reserve Fulfilled its Stated Purpose? |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
2. |
Ending the Federal Reserve |
Steve Showen |
3. |
The Devil and the Butterfly |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
May |
1. |
MAYDAY for Money |
2. |
The Power of Money in Influencing the Most Egregious Events in the United States of America |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
...because they control money creation |
JT Kowalski |
4. |
Talking All Around the Money |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
April |
1. |
DEGROWTH By Monetary Reform |
2. |
Our Country, Then and Now |
Richard C. Cook |
3. |
Living Paycheck to Paycheck |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
March |
1. |
How Greening the Dollar Impacts Social Justice |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
BUDGETS: The Breakdown |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Why We the People Need Greening the Dollar |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
4. |
History — Thomas Edison |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
February |
1. |
Tracing to the Root |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
2. |
Napoleon Was Right About the Issuance of Debt Money |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Crashing the Economy |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
4. |
How to Escape the Matrix |
John Leake |
5. |
The Global Crisis is Capitalism |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
6. |
History — Alexander Hamilto |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
January |
1. |
The Maternal Gift Economy |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
The Unsustainable United States |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Is the Private Creation of Money Unconstitutional? |
Janis Richards, GPTX |
4. |
Thoughts on the NEED Act and its Revolving Fund |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
5. |
System Change Not Climate Change |
Steve Showen, GPFL |
6. |
History - Stephen Zarlenga |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2023 |
December |
1. |
The Banking Consensus |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
2. |
Creating a Caring Culture |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
3. |
Biden Administration Hides Doubling of Federal Deficit |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
4. |
History — Henry Charles Carey |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
November |
1. |
A Biblical Approach to Economic Justice |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
Part 9 — The Underground History of American Money |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
3. |
New Kings of Wall Street Aren't Banks |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
4. |
You Are Your Own Best Teacher |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
5. |
History — Fredrick Soddy |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
October |
1. |
We Called for Climade Action at The UN . . . . KUDOS! Now There's More We Can and Must Do! |
Steve Showen, GPFL |
2. |
The Unsustainable Monetary System of the U.S. |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Part 8 the Underground History of Money: How the Fed was Used to Fund WWI |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
4. |
What in the Hell Happened to Our Way of Life? |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
5. |
More Debt Than Money |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
6. |
History — Alexander Hamilton |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
September |
1. |
The Federal Reserve Monetary System |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
2. |
The Vampire Banks are Sucking up All the Wealth |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Wall Street Greed Creating the Next Disaster |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
4. |
BARBIE and the Natural Economic Order |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
5. |
The BRICS Summit |
Mary Sanderson, GPWI |
6. |
History—Robert De Fremery |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
August |
1. |
Greening the Dollar |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
How Do Banks Profit from Creating Money? |
Rita Jacobs |
3. |
STONE COLD REALITY: US Will Never Repay $31 Trillion in Debt |
Eugene Woloszyn |
1. |
Why We Need Monetary Reform |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
4. |
Underground History of Money—Part 7 |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
5. |
History—Alexander Del Mar |
Howard Switzer |
June |
1. |
Why We Need Monetary Reform |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
2. |
Texas Gold Money—Challenging the System? |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
3. |
Failure of the US Monetary System and the Solution |
Richard C. Cook |
4. |
Ending the Supreme Immorality of Capitalism |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
5. |
Underground History of American Money—Part 6 |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
6. |
Has Modernity Expired? |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
7. |
History—J.K.Galbraith |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
April |
1. |
Robert F. Kennedy's Blind Spot |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
3. |
Part 5: History of American Money |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
4. |
Cartoon submitted by Rita Jacobs GPMI |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
5. |
History—Coxey's Army |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
March |
1. |
The Debt Limit Threatens the Economy. Is There a Better Way? |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
The Casino Phase of the Federal Reserve Banking System is at an End: We are Entering Uncharted Territory |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Underground History of Money Part 4 |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
4. |
Who will buy $3.5 Trillion per year in Treasury bonds during 2023-24 recession? |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
5. |
Ending the Supreme Immorality of Capitalism |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
February |
1. |
We the People are Taking a Bath |
Mary Sanderson, GPWI |
2. |
Saving Medicare and Social Security |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
3. |
Cartoon Flyer |
Steve Showon, GPFL |
4. |
Stone Cold Reality |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
5. |
Turning on the Lights |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
January |
1. |
The Constitutional Approach |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
On Spending a Trillion Dollars |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
3. |
Ben Bernanke's 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics is an Embarrassment |
Monetary Peace, Nov 21, 2022 |
2022 |
December |
1. |
Creating a New International Economic Order |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
Private Banks Invade Our New Country |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
3. |
The Debt Limit Debate |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
4. |
Debt Ceilings and Solvency |
Lucille Eckrich, AFJM |
November |
1. |
Continental—Lifeblood of the Revolution |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
2. |
International Anti-Corruption Day |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
The Federal Reserve Banking System |
Joe Bongiovanni, GPVA |
4. |
The Most Important History |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
October |
1. |
Roger Waters' WAKE UP TOUR |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
2. |
Crouching CBDC, Hidden Dystopia |
Howard Switzer |
3. |
Underground History of American Money |
Sue Peters |
4. |
Profit & Power vs Peace & Prosperity |
Howard Switzer |
5. |
Power's Political Theater |
Rita Jacobs |
6. |
The Most Important History is the History We Don't Know |
Howard Switzer |
September |
1. |
Entertainment While Learning About Corruption |
Rita Jacobs |
2. |
Playing with Subtitles |
Sue Peters |
3. |
The Donut and Capitalism |
Howard Switzer |
4. |
The Most Valuable History is the History We Don't Know |
Editor |
May |
1. |
Understanding the Power of Money Creation and Control |
Rita Jacobs |
2. |
PART 10 THE MONEY MATRIX: Bankers Take Control of AT&T and Mass Communications, 1900-1939 |
Sue Peters |
3. |
Money, An Academic Blindspot? |
Howard Switzer |
4. |
The Most Valuable History is the History We Don't Know |
Editor |
April |
1. |
Reflections on Money Power |
Rita Jacobs |
2. |
PART 9 THE MONEY MATRIX: Control of the News, 1900-1939 |
Sue Peters |
3. |
The Most Valuable History is the History We Don't Know |
Howard Switzer |
March |
1. |
Owning Nature? |
Rita Jacobs |
2. |
Monetary Reform: Catalyst for Saving the World |
Steven Showen |
3. |
The most valuable history is the history we don't know |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
February |
1. |
The Shifting Context of Profit Making |
Editor |
2. |
PART 8 - THE MONEY MATRIX: Rockefeller and the Origins of U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry |
Sue Peters |
3. |
Incentive for War |
Howard Switzer |
4. |
Cleptocurrency: Bandwagon to Oblivion |
Editor |
January |
1. |
Green Party and MMT - Editor |
Editor |
2. |
'THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES' – Warren Mosler, founder of MMT |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
3. |
Why You Should Look Beyond Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) |
Rita Jacobs |
2021 |
December |
1. |
Introduction to the Green Party's Banking and Monetary Reform Committee |
Steve Showen, GPFL |
2. |
United Health Care: WHY IS IT #8 ON THE FORTUNE GLOBAL 500? |
Eugene Woloszyn, GPCT |
3. |
Part 7 – THE MONEY MATRIX: Medicine 1930-1960 |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
November |
1. |
Part 6 - THE MONEY MATRIX: Medicine |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
2. |
The Debt Ceiling Myth |
Mary Sanderson |
3. |
The Most Valuable History is the History We Don't Know |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
October |
1. |
To the People of Afghanistan--A letter from the BMRC |
2. |
Part 5 - THE MONEY MATRIX: Education (1954-Present) |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
3. |
Usury and Becoming an Activist |
Dr. Elspeth Crawford |
4. |
The Most Valuable History is the History We Don't Know |
John Kenneth Galbraith |
August |
1. |
How to Kickstart Planetary Recovery |
Steven Showen |
2. |
Petition to Change the Money |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
3. |
Monetary Reform vs Public Banking |
Joe Bongiovanni |
4. |
The History We Don't Know |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
July |
1. |
The Power of the Fed |
Eugene Woloszyn, Rita Jacobs, Howard Switzer, Kevin McCormick |
2. |
Part 4 - The Money Matrix: Education (1892-1914) |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
June |
1. |
The Main Cause of Economic Injustice |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
2. |
Part 3 - The Money Matrix: Education (1892-1914) |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
3. |
Book Review - Web of Debt by Ellen Brown |
Mary Sanderson, GPWI |
4. |
Thomas Paine |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
May |
1. |
Who Invented Money? |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
The Money Matrix Part 2 |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
3. |
What is Enough? |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
4. |
History - Frederick Soddy |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
April |
1. |
The Money Matrix Part 1 |
Sue Peters, GPNY |
2. |
What Can We Learn from the U.S. Debt Clock? |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Women - Democratizing Our Money |
Marybeth Gardam |
4. |
Alfred Owen Crozier |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
March |
1. |
The Incentive for War |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
Monetary Reform is an International Problem |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
3. |
Constitutional Tools for Transition |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
4. |
It's Time to End Monetary Violence |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
5. |
The History You Don't Know |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
February |
1. |
Is Capitalism the Problem, or Is It Something Else? |
Rita Jacobs, GPMI |
2. |
Green Party 3 Point Plan for Public Money |
Mary Sanderson, GPWI
3. |
Green Sovereign Money and MMT |
Howard Switzer |
3. |
People’s Party Platform of 1896 |
Howard Switzer |
January |
1. |
Aligning Money and Love |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |
2. |
Central Bank Digital Currency |
Kevin McCormick, GPTX |
3. |
The History You Don't Know |
Howard Switzer, GPTN |